Wednesday, January 19, 2011

The Butt System - Do Nothing And Accomplish Everything By Sitting On Your Butt


Publisher: Larry Crane | ISBN n/a | English | Audio CD in MP3 /192Kbps | 318 MB
Larry's Butt System is ingenious. By making a goal to achieve something through releasing alone brings up all of our resistance. More importantly though it brings up all the rules we have for success.

We all have them, those rules or prerequisutes. I have to be better educated in order to succeed. I have to be better looking, smarter, have more opportunities, release better, be more spiritual. When you make a goal like "I allow myself to have a gazillion dollars by releasiing alone" you recognize that those are all beliefs, self-imposed limitations and you can begin to let them go.

But there is another side of it that I see all the time. And that is the tendency of the mind to make a new rule. And the rule is this. In order to get the gazillion dollars (or pounds, or francs or whatever) I CAN"T do anything. In ortherwords if I make the goal to acheive the thing by releasing alone I somehow jinx it if I actualy do something.

This is a big mistake. I hope you can see that this is just the creation of another rule. The point of the butt systems isn't to never have you get off your butt but to let go of the notion that you have to. That is has to be a lot of work and struggle. You don't and it doesn't. It can all come to you. But you also have to be willing to get off your butt and do something as well.

Oftentimes when you really do release on something, the way it comes to you is through action. You may get a great idea for a business or a product or an article or whatever. You may get an intuition to call someone, go somewhere and have a coffee and strike up a conversation. If you are convinced that it just has to come in some extraordinary way you have cut all the ordinary ways out of the equation. And folks, there are a whole lot more ordinary ways for new success to come into your life than extraordinary.

To really be in release means you can sit on your butt or get off of it. Not one or the other, but either. You are free to respond to the moment whatever the moment requires.

If you take a big step back you'll see that everything actually does just come to us. Everything! That is how it actually works. The ego thinks it has done something but in fact it has come to us from the universe in response to our deepest request. So even if it appears that you have to do a lot to get it, that is just an appearance. Let that interpretation go and you'll see that everything does come to you. Its just that sometimes it brings you to the reward instead of the reward to you.

Does it matter which way it happens? Absolutely not. So let yourself be free on your butt or off of it.

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