Monday, September 6, 2010

The 7 Steps of Spiritual Intelligence: The Practical Pursuit of Purpose, Success and Happiness


Are you looking for a deeper understanding of the larger context of life? Would you like to create a sense of warmth, supportiveness and a positive atmosphere at your workplace? How about enriching your understanding of self and creating a life of purpose?

With Richard A. Bowell's The 7 Steps of Spiritual Intelligence, you will learn about developing your inner potential and spiritual intelligence. Discover the "why" of what we do rather than the "what" or "how."

Our fixed intelligence (IQ) doesn't always answer life's questions and our Emotional Intelligence (EQ) is limited to examining and processing our inner beliefs and passions. Spiritual Intelligence (SQ) is the key to engaging fully and with meaning in all realms of life, at home, work and in the world.

In Bowell's The 7 Steps of Spiritual Intelligence, each of the steps on this journey is explained through the latest breakthroughs in neuroscience, detailed life lessons from exceptional individuals like Oskar Schindler, Nelson Mandela, Ghandi and Mother Teresa, and with specially developed SQ exercises. Exploring Awareness, Meaning and Evaluation will help you to Become Centered in your true self. Then project your SQ outward. Use Vision to take an overview of your situation, act with Precision and finally come to understand your personal Mission.

With a coherent philosophy, a powerful new model and detailed examples from daily life, Bowell puts the SQ path easily within the grasp of everyone reaching for personal growth and leadership, effectiveness and wisdom. Bowell has written the first accessible self-help guide to understanding the exciting field of Spiritual Intelligence.

Spiritual issues are at the forefront of modern twenty-first century life. In this precarious world, we are seeking emotional stability. Many people are wanting to develop their spiritual side, rather than just acquiring more possessions and money. Provocative, groundbreaking and inspiring, The 7 Steps of Spiritual Intelligence argues that we can have it all: be successful, happy and have an enriched sense of meaning in our lives.

Bowell's book makes the development of spiritual intelligence accessible. It is vital for individuals and concerned professionals. Read it! -- Stanley Rosenberg, expert in craniosacral therapy and Head of the Stanley Rosenberg Institute
Insightful, intelligent...Richard adds a new and important dimension, spiritual intelligence, to describe and to evaluate the human experience. -- Dr. Stephen Porges, Director of the Brain-Body Center, University of Illinois at Chicago
Richard's book helps further the growing conversation around SQ. It adds a new dimension to some of our ultimate meanings. -- Danah Zohar, neuroscientist and author of The Quantum Self and Spiritual Capital
This book provides a great start to finding meaning and purpose in our lives and actions. -- Robert Dilts, NLP pioneer and author of Sleight of Mouth

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Shut Up, Stop Whining, and Get a Life: A Kick-Butt Approach to a Better Life


Shut Up, Stop Whining & Get a Life

This is not your typical self-help book. You won't find any motivational platitudes or cute business parables here. This is more of a "get off your butt and get to work" approach that can help you achieve more success, make more money, improve your business, and have more fun.

Larry Winget doesn't pull any punches here. He believes that business gets better when businesspeople get better through personal growth. And it works the same way in your personal life-husbands and wives improve each other when they improve themselves, and kids improve when their parents do. In other words, everything in life gets better when you get better, and nothing gets better until you get better.

This book can make you better, but it will probably tick you off. Winget is direct, caustic, and controversial. You won't like or agree with everything he has to say. Yet his advice is full of wisdom and truth that can't easily be argued with.

Words from Shut Up, Stop Whining & Get a Life that prove that this book is anything but typical:"If you don't have much going wrong in your life, then you don't have much going on in your life."
"When you work, work! When you play, play! Don't mix the two."
"What you think about, talk about, and do something about is what comes about."
"When it quits being fun-quit."
"Time management is a joke."
And that's just the beginning!

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Power Talk: Using Language to Build Authority and Influence


Complete with strategies for individuals who want to strengthen their personal communication skills, "Power Talk" is a must-read for anyone who wants to learn to be their own best spokesperson.

At last week's meeting, who got heard? Was it you? If not, you need to listen to this program. The most important book on language since Deborah Tannen's You Just Don't Understand, Power Talk uses the reality of today's business world to show how each of us becomes captive to the way we talk, and why all of us need a little linguistic cross training. From sounding like an expert to generating new ideas, from the power of control to the force of original thinking,

this innovative guide shows you how to:

* Listen to yourself and hear how you come across to other people.
* Find the right speech style for any workplace situation.
* Practice new verbal patterns before you use them.
* Use voice mail and e-mail to your advantage.
* Always be heard - even among a crowd.

From Library Journal
McGinty taught the politics of language at Harvard and does workshops and seminars nationwide as head of McGinty Consulting. Her book focuses on workplace communications. She looks at both listening and talking and teaches readers how to use language skills to advance in the business world. She covers e-mail, voice mail, meetings, and up and down communications, and she also considers changing styles as people move up the corporate ladder. Offering lots of lists and examples, her book is easy and fun to read. Salamensky earned her Ph.D. at Harvard and is currently an assistant professor of English at SUNY. Her book brings together a wide range of writers from such areas as communications and cultural criticism to look at the concept of talk. What it means to talk, how we define ourselves though our language skills, what makes talk funny (comedy), and cultural differences in communication are some of the many topics considered. The book is organized in chapters, some of them essays by single authors and others conversations between two experts. The information on each contributor in the note section would have been nice at the chapter heads. This book is more technical than McGinty's, but both books have extensive bibliographies and notes ("gossip" in the case of Talk Talk Talk). Power Talk will be popular in public library business collections, while Talk Talk Talk belongs in university libraries and larger public libraries. Lisa J. Cihlar, Monroe P.L., WI

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Managing Yourself: Coach Yourself To Optimum Emotional Intelligence


English | Pdf | 5.9 MB
'People skills' are now recognized as being THE single most important factor for success in business. Managing Yourself is a practical, easily absorbed and implemented guide to the assessment and then continuous personal improvement of your emotional intelligence. It provides the reader with easily understood and workable models of how they think, feel, relate to others and perform in the workplace.

Often your emotions hold you back or deflect you off course. This book shows you how to master your emotions and get the results you deserve. Discovering how your unconscious and invisible maps significantly influence your emotional intelligence and the results you get in life, then provides the basis for highlighting areas to change. The book then provides a range of self-coaching techniques to adjust your maps where needed - and shift your interactions with others to be more effective and more productive.

Unlike many other EI related books, Managing Yourself explores key elements of emotional intelligence using popular culture (sport, TV, cinema & music) making it much more readily absorbed. Additionally, the book provides a whole series of self-assessment/self-understanding exercises giving the reader a clear idea from the outset where they stand on EI your strengths and weaknesses, before providing very specific techniques for change. The outcome is workable accelerated plans that will improve your emotional intelligence and your business results. Gain personal insight. Identify poor quality thinking maps. Learn how to monitor progress and measure improvements.

About the Author
Dr Paul Morgan BSc PhD Dip NLP MCIPD. Formerly university lecturer/consultant in applied psychology. Including consultancy & seminar work for Forte/Polygram /Abbey National/Somerfield/Asda/Barclays Bank Adviser on sport psychology to professional

sports teams in soccer, cricket and to Great Britain Rugby League. Managing Director of Development Direct Ltd. Director of Research and Development for Technical adviser to SAQ International. Created the following; The world's largest sport psychology programme. Europe's largest Business quality programme. Two of the country's largest business and education coaching programmes. He is recognised as a leading expert on the application of psychology to human performance and is a much sought-after speaker.

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Dynamic Practice Development: Selling Skills and Techniques for the Professions


English | Pdf | 5.9 MB
There are several books about promoting your practice, but nothing about selling it--with which many professionals feel uncomfortable. The book fills the gap.

This is a much-needed book which addresses the unique concerns of professionals who wish to sell their services successfully and to feel comfortable about doing so.

About the Author
Kim Tasso is an independent consultant, specialising in the professional services sector, with over 20 years' marketing experience. Her clients include The Law Society, Olswang, Weatherall Green & Smith and Osborne Clarke.

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Communicating With More Confidence - The Easy Step by Step Guide


English | Pdf | 5.5 MB
Communicating effectively should be the simplest thing in the world, we talk and listen - or do we? And is that all there is to it? When things go wrong in a company, a friendship, a personal relationship, communication or rather lack of it or misinterpreting it, is

often at the heart of the problem. Improving your communication skills can bring huge rewards; it can help you to win more contracts and sales, gain promotion, manage your organisation or your team more effectively, find friendship, even love.It can enhance relationships both at work and at home. So it's worth getting it right isn't it? This book will provide tips and techniques to improve communication skills and gain the co-operation of others. It includes topics such as: How to read, interpret and use body language; How to create the right visual appearance; How to use your voice - tone, accent, pitch, pace etc.; How to use powerful and persuasive words; How to get people to like you; How to influence people to your way of thinking; How to persuade people to co-operate with you; How to get on someone's wavelength; and How to hear, recognise and use the different communication styles between men and women.

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