Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Natural Confidence: How to Tear Down the Barriers


Morty Lefkoe | 2009 | ISBN: N/a | Audio MP3 | 384 MB
Most people think confidence is something you gain by being successful at something. Yet others say that you need to generate confidence in order to succeed. It's almost like the question "which comes first the chicken or the egg?"
Well, after over 20 years of helping people reach their dreams I can tell you that confidence often does come first. Success is so much easier to attain when you take the steps needed to regain the natural state of confidence we are all born with.

Let me explain.
When you were very young, you took action over and over again even if you failed. When you were learning to walk, you fell many times but you also kept getting up to try again… and you eventually succeeded at walking. When you were learning to speak, often no one could understand what you were saying. But that didn't keep you from trying anyway. Eventually you learned which sounds got you what you wanted and which sounds received no response.

You learned to speak and to walk because you had not yet learned two other things. You had not yet learned a single limiting belief. You had not learned to say, "I can't." Not yet. And you had not been conditioned to fear failure, criticism or rejection. These things were not yet a part of your vocabulary. You wouldn't learn them for many years. But when you did learn them, they seemed to be a part of your very being…

It is these "learnings" that stole your natural confidence from you.

And by unlearning these limiting beliefs and conditioned emotions you can take your Natural Confidence back. In the past you'd have to work with one of my Certified Facilitators to bust your limiting beliefs and do away with your conditioned emotions. It would sometimes cost from $800 to $1000 of working with one of my Facilitators before a person could totally regain their confidence. Well, a friend of mine named Denis Hann gave me an idea a couple of years ago that has allowed me to help you eliminate a belief at a very low cost.

Together we figured out how to put my belief-eliminating process onto interactive video online.

Natural Confidence helps you identify the 19 specific beliefs we've found limit people in almost every area of their lives. Beliefs that rob you of the confidence you were born with and keep your life from being all it could be.

Filesonic 1
Filesonic 2
Filesonic 3

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