Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Laser-Focused Concentration Now!

Develop your Razor-sharp Attention Skills Naturally and Automatically


English | Audio Wav | Publisher: Think Right Now! (2009) | 576 Mb
Laser-Focused Concentration Now! is a new mental training program that helps develop razor-sharp attention skills naturally and automatically. Distractions, procrastination, negativity, frustration-all are swept away effortlessly and replaced with an alert, creative focus that helps rack up one impressive success after another.

Mental Focus So Powerful And Complete, You’ll Think ‘This Is Too Easy!’ As Your Productivity Goes Through The Roof!”

How Valuable Would It Be For You, My Friend......to achieve total concentration in mere seconds? And finally have the ability to:
* Focus all your attention on tasks with laser-like precision?
* Shut out distractions and efficiently blaze through work like never-before?
* Stay calm and composed even under the most extreme pressure?
* Thrive on projects that require the most intense concentration?
* Amaze other people with how fast and how well you get things done?

Today that ability is within your grasp. And it’s easier to accomplish than you ever dreamed possible!

From Auther Mike Brescia:
My name is Mike Brescia, and I’m Chief of Research at Think Right Now! International. If you can give me a few minutes of your time, I’ll tell you all about a breakthrough CD program that will put the most powerful concentration skills at your command in the easiest and fastest manner ever developed.

I’m pleased to introduce...

The Complete Mental Conditioning Program For Developing
And Applying Unbreakable Concentration In Seconds

Laser-Focused Concentration Now! will help you blast through tasks at record speed, no matter how difficult or even how boring they are.
You’ll finally break free, once and for all, from the mountain of mental clutter and distractions that hold you back from the success you deserve. You’ll live each day with renewed purpose, drive, and enthusiasm.
And here’s the clincher: you can use this Accelerated Success Conditioning Program as much and as often as you want for six entire months, without risking a penny!
Getting Things Done Never Felt So Good!

Laser-Focused Concentration Now! works naturally, easily, and effortlessly. In fact, it will most likely provide the most relaxing and empowering 30 minutes of your day as it safely transforms the way your mind operates from the inside out.

Quite simply, it’s unlike any focus-strengthening product you’ve ever seen or tried before:
* It’s NOT a “how to” lecture or seminar on tape (although it makes self-help information and advice work better).
* It DOESN’T teach you what to do when distractions strike (You already know what you should do—but can’t get your mind to go along)
* And it’s NOT another motivational tape that simply pats you on the back with generic you-can-do-it affirmations

Instead, Laser-Focused Concentration Now! is a professional behavior modification program that works by overwriting the negative “scripts” in your subconscious that make you vulnerable to distractions and task-avoidance habits. It then replaces them with the positive, achievement-focused beliefs that drive the most successful people in the world.

It’s that simple. Yet the results can be nothing less than spectacular.

A wise man once said, “What you believe, you become,” and it’s absolutely true. In no time at all, you actually become the person who makes the most of every day, attacks tasks and problems with gusto, blocks out distractions, and performs better and faster at everything, even under immense pressure.

You may not even be aware of this major shift in automatic mental processes at first, because your behavior is silently transformed from the inside out. And that’s the best part of all

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