Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Real Social Dynamics - Blueprint Decoded (AUDIO) - 13CDs


RSDs | ISBN: N/a | 2008 |Audio MP3 | 748 Mb
Regarded as one of the best pickup products in the seduction community, absolutely no stones were left unturned in this mind blowing product. This will boost your self confidence and gets to the core essence of inner game

The key understanding here is that The Blueprint Decoded is not just an “inner game” program where you learn how to be confident or feel good about yourself or whatever. We’ve ALL been bombarded with that sort of thing – and while it’s fantastic, this is literally about 1000X more potent and hard hitting. This is ALL-ENCOMPASSING, and will teach you the PRACTICAL STEPS to making the “rubber” of this knowledge “meet the road”.

You will be exposed to hardcore PRACTICAL knowledge that takes you from Point-A to Point-B. The first rehearsal for the HD-recorded final official event was in Sydney Australia – and as you’ve probably seen in all the rabid testimonials it was a runaway success (leaps and bounds ahead of anything I’d ever done). I did another event in New York and another in London – and each kept getting better and better. Finally we did the official recording in Los Angeles...

The production value on the project on this was ABSURD, with the room covered top to bottom in uber-high-tech cameras and audio to create an experience like you’re literally at the live event.

Why did I go this route??

Very simply, this is the most important piece of work I’ve ever done and will basically define my legacy in self-development in my twenties. This is the program that people are going to associate my name with for years to come.It’s the sum of all the intense work I did, my masterpiece and my pride and joy.Let’s put it this way: For years people have been saying to me “With all the delays there’s just no possible way that The Blueprint can live up to the impossible hype...”

Well as you’ve probably seen, every single review that’s come in from the four events have stated one thing in common:
* The Blueprint Decoded takes the overblown expectations and stomps them into the ground.
* Experiencing this program is going to change your entire life.
* Your life will NEVER be the same after this. Point blank period.
* Every aspect, from how you interact with women to how you walk through the world in general – it’s all about to change.

This is going to teach you to see the truth of your life, how it relates to women, and how to get the type of massive success that’s normally reserved for the top guys (who’ve not only gone out for years and years, but who also had the mastermind group to “decode” in detail all of their experiences). Expect that your brain will melt out of your ears after this... Most people in attendance couldn’t sleep during the program (as you’ll see on video, at one point I asked “Who hasn’t been able to sleep during this program” and over half of the room shot their hands up), and many couldn’t sleep for several days after the experience.

Why?? Because this program is going re-wire your reality, re-wire the way you interact (and get massive success) with women, and re-wire the way that you experience the world.

The last thing that I’d leave you with is this...
I created this program for myself and myself only.
The time I spent, I couldn’t have cared less what anyone else thought of it.I created this because I wanted to live my own life to the fullest.
I needed to know this stuff... for me.

What I’m about to reveal to you... these are the secrets that have carried me through a lot of tough times, through crippling challenges, and to a level of success with women that’s enabled me full choice and abundance for the rest of my life. If you’ve taken value from any of my writings on the blog and RSD Nation, in the newsletters, or any of my past speaking engagements... Well, that stuff is like a pale joke compared to what you’re about to experience (so be ready for it). This is the secret knowledge that I use to train my instructors, the stuff that I use to do rapid-fire “change work” with everyone who takes my live programs... and ultimately, the keys that I’ve used to demonstrate a world-class level of skill with women on a professional level that blows people away every time.

You’ve been waiting for this a long time...You will not be disappointed.

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